Thursday, March 25, 2010

Social Networking

Social networking is online tools that keep people connected from around the world. Social tools such as twitter, YouTube, and Facebook are being used by millions of people everywhere from elementary students to grandparent. You are able to connect with friends, promote a business, and share opinions on products with friends and family. Even help fight a cause or cure, such as making people aware of breast cancer month or a marathon for diabetes. In class and online we discussed whether social networks are viewed as positive or negative. While some see it as a negative I see these tools as a positive! I believe that these networks are a way for people to express themselves and get their word out to people. Having such a big world it’s hard to reach people but being able to have fan groups and events that link others is very useful and affective! Social networks are certainly a way to practice social skills because you still have to connect with people that are professionals through emails and videos, communicating to people one on one and being able to present a topic and hold that topic. Also, it is a great tool to get in touch with peers and classmates when needing to figure out a homework assignment or a restaurant to eat at. It is a much faster tool to look for ideas and opinions then any other resource! A great thing about these networks is you can connect with people ALL around the world and still keep in touch with sending pictures and emails for free. It is just the beginning of social tools and many more networks and applications will be revolutionized throughout these upcoming years.

Using tools such as Facebook and twitter are great tools I can use for advertising. By applying Facebook use while working in my field I can promote my advertisements and products by creating what Facebook calls a Facebook group or an event. How it works is by making for instance a Nike Show Ad Group and I am able to share this with my fellow friends. Who from their can share with their peers by just a click of a button. This is a quick way to get my product out their and noticed by thousands. Also, Twitter is a good for my field because I am able to view people’s opinions’ good or bad about our advertisements. Getting viewers perspectives only makes the advertisement even better because it will be what people want! Therefore, social networking applies greatly to advertisement although it may not be creating the ad, it is the eyes and voices that help our business to grow.

I choose a link that relates to our topic of discussion in class about the pros and cons of social networking. Take a look on this websites to find why social tools are believed to positive to some and negative to others. Once you are done reviewing the pros vs cons you can then decide are you for social networking or against?

Social Networking Pros and Cons

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