Showing posts with label audio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label audio. Show all posts

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Podcasting is digital media files that viewers subscribe to and are able to listen to through computers or downloaded on MP3s and Ipods. Digital media files can be audio or video which makes it possible for listeners to subscribe to their favorite radio station, individual, or certain topics. When creating a podcast who have to be aware of the sound quality and background noises when recording (also known as white noise). Tools you would use to make a podcast is a microphone, audio editing software, a website or houst upload your podcast, and an RSS feed. You are then able to record an audio file and edit the mistakes. Additional sounds and effects can then be added on to make your file even more attractable to viewers. In class, we learned about Garbage Band which is an audio program that allows you to upload your files to a blog. Garbage Band offers many great tools such as audio recording, virtual software instruments, editing, and music lessons!

Although i think podcasting is a great idea I personally don't believe it comes in great use for my field of advertising. TV advertisement I find as greater professional aspect that will make our consumers more interested in our products. However, if i were to focus on getting a brief message across on a blog or website I would apply to podcasting. Podcasting is a good way for getting the voice out there about our products we are trying to share information. Especially with it being easy and free I would apply it to very minor advertisements that I present.

At first when I heard about podcasting I was unclear on exactly how you use it. I found a great video called "How to Create a Podcast" on youtube that shows step by step how you would build your very own podcast. It explains to you what you need before getting started and what each button does. Take a look and I am sure you would want to try it out yourself!